In the evening of October 10, 2010 my queen cat delivered yet another batch of litter, which really surprised me because she just birthed three others four months and five days ago. It was a record for me as far as my experience with mommy cats.
At 11:30 p.m, I saw there were two new babies, but one was crying more than it should, I thought. I left the crib to give the mother some space and because I thought she wasn't done emptying her womb. At 12 midnight, I checked on them again to sadly find the crying kitten dead. I inspected it and found what looked like tiny intestines hanging out from where the umbilical cord was torn off by the mother. She must have pulled harder than necessary and, in the process, tugged the intestines out. I would have had a baker's dozen now had that kitten survived.
I thought a nursing cat wouldn't be on heat for awhile and be pregnant. My mistake. Now, I'll be more vigilant. I still have one male cat unneutered because he is just four months old, but in two months he would visit the vet for the procedure.
As for the lone surviving kitten, I named it Mochi (Ball) for being born in the roundest date (10-10-10). I hope he brings me luck!!!